
mercredi 10 mars 2010

DS Map Book


This Developer Sample code is designed to allow for the creation of Map Books. A page is create in the book based on each feature in a grid/index layer specified by the user. Index layers must contain polygon features with a string field containing the name of each tile/page. The features in the index layer do not have to be of any particular size or shape, nor do they need to be continuous or non-overlapping. Several commands are included for generating index layers based on a uniform grid or based on selected, continuous line features.

Using the index layer, pages are generated for the book. These pages are persisted within the map document and can be printed or exported at any time.
For more specific information on using the sample, please see the Map Book Generation.doc file included with the code.

Map production and automation in ArcGIS 10

Options on the toolbar include :

Create Map Book - Generate a new Map Series based on your index layer.
Add Identifier Frame - Add Local or Global Indicator frames to show the position of the page/tile in reference to the other tiles.
Create/Update Map Grids - Generate or Update index layers based on a uniformed grid.
Create Stripmap Grids - Generate an index layer based on a continuous set of selected line features.
There are two Visual Basic projects included with the code. The first project (DSMapBookPrj.vbp) includes the code for the MapBook, MapSeries, and MapPage objects used within the second project (DSMapBookUIPrj.vbp). The Map Book application is an extension to ArcMap and the MapBook, MapSeries, and MapPage objects can be obtained from the extension. This makes it possible to write additional code through VBA or some other method for manipulating the objects. See the Map Book Generation.doc file for more information.
In the code section below, the first 8 items are from the DsMapBookPrj project, while the remaining items are from the DSMapBookUIPrj.


ArcView : VB6
Platforms : Windows
Requires : Index layer and other data
Minimum ArcGIS Release : 9.0 - Download